Giant pumpkin seeds used for 2023

Atlantic Giant Pumpkin Seed Auction Results, 2023

Atlantic giant pumpkin seed auction results are in!  A total of 34 auctions took place on between December 16, 2022, and February 26, 2023. At the time of this writing, there are three auctions remaining. While auctions are a primary way to fundraise and to acquire seeds, they are not the most inexpensive method! […]

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Picture of a grow tent

Using a Grow Tent to Germinate Giant Pumpkin Seeds

Ever found yourself pondering the possibility of germinating giant pumpkin seeds within the confines of a dedicated grow tent? I’ve embarked on this fascinating journey myself. Initially, I kickstarted the process by germinating the seeds on a seedling heat mat, ensuring optimal conditions for their initial development before making the transition to peat pots. Unlike

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Giant Pumpkin Seeds soaking in seaweed solution

Nurturing Giant Pumpkin Seeds into Spectacular Growth

Germinating giant pumpkin seeds is not a difficult task, and high success rates can be achieved as long as basic criteria are met. It is important to control temperature, moisture levels, and timing. However, there are some subtle differences between the various techniques used to germinate seeds. To find their ideal method, one must experiment

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