Giant pumpkin seeds

Giant pumpkin seeds used for 2023

Atlantic Giant Pumpkin Seed Auction Results, 2023

Atlantic giant pumpkin seed auction results are in!  A total of 34 auctions took place on between December 16, 2022, and February 26, 2023. At the time of this writing, there are three auctions remaining. While auctions are a primary way to fundraise and to acquire seeds, they are not the most inexpensive method! […]

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Picture of a grow tent

Using a Grow Tent to Germinate Giant Pumpkin Seeds

Ever found yourself pondering the possibility of germinating giant pumpkin seeds within the confines of a dedicated grow tent? I’ve embarked on this fascinating journey myself. Initially, I kickstarted the process by germinating the seeds on a seedling heat mat, ensuring optimal conditions for their initial development before making the transition to peat pots. Unlike

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