Giant Pumpkin Seeds, 2023

Four Ways to Find Giant Pumpkin Seeds

Finding giant pumpkin seeds for your upcoming growing season is a high priority. The seed is one of the most critical factors in successfully growing a giant pumpkin. You need to find a seed that has a known and verified genetic background. Proven seeds from successfully grown giant pumpkins fetch a high price. Or, you can take a chance and get a seed from a recent giant and hope for another big one. But how is this done? Where can you find the most reliable seeds? I offer some thoughts below.

Online Auctions to Purchase Pumpkin Seeds

Giant pumpkin growing secrets

Giant pumpkin seed auctions take place on between December and February every year. This sounds intimidating, but it really isn’t. Auction details are typically posted a few days prior. You can read ahead and look at the seeds for sale. They almost always have genetic backgrounds and some even have pictures so you can research ahead of the online auction. Seed auctions are sponsored by growing clubs and are primarily fundraisers. Prices range widely and can be high. Just remember, it’s a fundraiser!

The 2023 California Pumpkin Grower’s auction was four hours long with giant pumpkin seeds ranging in price from roughly $20 to more than $700 for one seed. You must be confident in your seed germination technique to spend that kind of money, right? To participate in the auction, you must have an account on and be logged in. Get ready for an unforgettable adrenaline rush.

The picture above is part of my seed haul from the California Pumpkin Growers’ auction in 2023. I participated in bidding on a half-dozen lots and won three of them. I purchased approximately a dozen seeds from champions of sorts. My lead seed came from a cloned pumpkin named Ruby. Ruby weighed in at 1,461 pounds and was bright orange. The winning bid for Ruby was $105. Did I say it was a fundraiser?

Finding Seeds on Amazon, eBay, Facebook and Other Sites 

It is possible to purchase pumpkin seeds on Amazon, however, you must be careful to distinguish between generic giant pumpkin seeds and true champion pedigree. As a matter of fact, I made the mistake of purchasing unverified seeds once this way and grew a 40 pound white squash! Beware! Likewise, there are also some legitimate seeds on Amazon. You must do your research. Additionally, you can find seeds by joining grower clubs on Facebook and following other pumpkin growers. They commonly advertise their seeds. I sell a variety of seeds in my eBay store. I always describe the genetic history of my seeds so that one can understand the genetic background.

Purchasing Seeds at Pumpkin Growing Supply Stores 

Growing good in your backyard

There are some premier and highly recommended stores that offer premium quality pumpkin seeds. Wallace Organic Wonder is an online supply store run by Ron Wallace, a champion pumpkin grower. Prices are competitive, and you can’t beat the quality of seeds offered by this online supplier. My favorite pumpkin in 2022 was from this store.

Additionally, in 2021, I purchased seeds from Holland’s Land of Giants, another supplier run by a successful pumpkin grower. Seeds were of high quality and the pumpkins were gigantic! One more site that offers giant pumpkin seeds is Worldwide Giant Growers. Worldwide Giant Growers “is a global leader in providing seeds and fertilizers to grow world record vegetables, as well as offering gardening advice and tips.” If you are looking for seeds from the absolute largest giants, make sure to check this site.

Pumpkin Growing Clubs

Join your local giant pumpkin growing club and you will come across lots of pumpkin seeds. These clubs host weigh-offs, share seeds, host their own auctions and share their success stories. Many develop relationships with other growers and seeds can be obtained as favors. Grower clubs will add to your enjoyment of this hobby.

More Research

Hopefully these tips can help you find giant pumpkin seeds. For information on giant pumpkin seeds in general, see my book Backyard Big.

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