Recommended Book Writing Services

Please read on for my recommended book writing services. I usually start drafting my book alone, and then need assistance at various stages along the way. A simple search online and you will find an overwhelming number of companies to take your money, and you must be careful and wise. The costs of writing a book can be significant, and the old adage, “You get what you pay for” is often true in my opinion. I have listed my dependable and helpful resources below and recommend them highly. There are a few companies I definitely will not recommend; however, I decided not to include that list. I wanted to keep this positive. Please reach out to me if you are interested in the not recommended list!

Missy Hunter of Calculated Creativity is my go-to developmental and line editor. She has helped me develop and rewrite nearly all of my books. She also assisted me with the bio section of my books and is a very detailed and perceptive editor. Any written content is reviewed and critiqued by Missy. Communication with Missy is nearly immediate and I highly recommend her services.

Fiverr is an online marketplace where you can hire a variety of freelancers to do many book publishing tasks. Developmental editing, copy editing, proofreading, covers, audiobook production, you name it. Fiverr has it. A service is called a “gig,” and you hire people to complete the gig as described. It is scalable and prices often start very low. For example, it could cost $5 to edit a 1,000-word essay. But a 40,000-word book would be scaled up and be more expensive. There are people all over the world advertising their services on Fiverr. I have had good luck getting my book cover developed on Fiverr. The prices on Fiverr are reasonable in my opinion.

IngramSpark is a self-publishing company that allows authors to independently publish and distribute their books in both print and digital formats. It offers services such as printing, distribution, and e-book conversion, making it easier for individuals to get their books into the market. You have the option of purchasing your own ISBN, which I recommend. This allows you to sell your book outside of Amazon KDP. It also has a worldwide distribution option, which I generally take advantage of. I can find my books listed in a variety of locations around the world by doing a Google search. The print quality of IngramSpark books is good. Customer service takes a long time — days, which can be frustrating, but it is good quality from my perspective.

Although it is possible to publish a book using MS Word, you will have much better luck using programs specifically for book writing. Atticus is the self-publisher’s friend. You can purchase a life-time license for a reasonable rate, and it is worth it. Atticus takes care of all aspects of formatting seamlessly. You can change your trim size, style, and overall chapter set up quickly. There are very attractive pre-set themes one can choose for their book. Customer support is fantastic. They return messages usually the same or next day and are helpful. There are tons of how-to videos. Once I completed a book with Atticus, I decided I am never steering away from this program. My book looks fantastic.

Reedsy is another online marketplace company that focuses on assisting authors and publishers with all their book-related needs, including editing, marketing, cover design, etc. Similar to Fiverr, Reedsy has freelancers from countries around the world. Reedsy tends to have professional-level freelancers with impressive portfolios. It is easy to acquire bids for your project from freelancers that you select. The entire process is completed within the Reedsy platform. For example, all files and messages are exchanged through Reedsy. Payment is done securely through Reedsy.

The Alliance of Independent Authors, or “ALLi” for short, is a non-profit professional association for self-publishing authors. I found ALLi when I was experiencing a very difficult contract issue with a book publisher. I had nowhere to go. ALLi offers a lot of support to self-publishers. For example, they publish a list of bad actors and an impressive list of recommended and rated professional companies. Their free guidebooks are extremely helpful and I believe unbiased. Alli’s list of professionals is the first place I go when I am in need of assistance. The annual fee feels pretty painful; however, the services of this unbiased society are impressive. I wish I had started with ALLi instead of learning lessons the hard way!

Now you know my writing service recommendations. But don’t leave me yet! Check out my blog, and my books listed on my home page. Consider joining my newsletter. I would love to correspond with you.

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